082 365 0629 emilio@heartlinc.co.za


Analytic-Network Coaching

Analytic-Network Coaching™ (A-Nc) is an avant-garde, ethically driven coaching company, formed to help transform how coaches coach, how leaders lead, and how organizations organize.

International Coach Federation

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the largest worldwide resource for business and personal coaches, and the source for those who are seeking a coach.
Analytic Network Coaching is accredited by the ICF and fully embraces the ethical conditions of coaching people.

Dr. Thomas J. Stanley and DataPoints’ founder and president, Dr. Sarah Stanley Fallaw, provides data-backed insights into what it takes to unlock your potential to build financial wealth.

HeartMath LLC is a cutting edge performance company providing a range of unique services, products, and technology to boost performance, productivity, health and well-being while dramatically reducing stress.s

Prosci provides research-based change management tools and practices, which allows organisations to manage the People-side of Change effectively, to achieve required business outcomes.